Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

This game is my favorite game. I don't have words to explain how much I like this game. Ever since I started to play this game I became a fan of this game. This one is the third sequel game of the Prince of Persia. First one (Sands of Time) I don't have, so I didn't played that one. But second one (Warrior Within) I had, I did play some time ago. But I liked the this third part. About story and other information check this link - The Two Thrones.

If you want to play the game then follow this link - Download Two Thrones.

If you want to watch just game play like any movie (I have completed the game and recorded it) then follow these links....

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Motivational Thoughts - 2

In the heart of this moment is eternity, and if this moment we have lived well, done our best, we may very well leave the rest.

Happiness does not depend upon what happens outside of you, but on what happens inside of you.

The world is full of willing people, some willing to work, the rest willing to let them.

Circumstances are the rulers of the weak, but instruments of wise.

If you are truly at peace with yourself, you will never be at war with others.